International GCSE  (IGCSE) in English as a Second Language


Ms A. Holyszko (EAL Specialist)
Ms H. Ahtti (EAL Specialist)
Ms E. Gilheany (EAL Specialist)
Ms S. Tulley (English Specialist)




Course Content

Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language, which is followed by HHS learners, is accepted by universities and employers as proof of ability to understand and communicate in English. It is aimed at students whose first language is not English, but who use it as a lingua franca or language of study.

Successful English as a Second Language candidates have better educational or employment prospects and gain lifelong skills, including:

• Better communicative ability in English
• Improved ability to understand a range of social registers and styles
• A greater awareness of the nature of language and language-learning skills
• A greater international perspective
• A sound foundation for progression to employment or further study at Levels 2 and 3 including AS and A Level GCE, and Cambridge Pre-U qualifications.

Therefore, Year 10 and Year 11 Advanced Bilingual Learners at HHS learners focus on developing English language, receptive and productive skills, such as reading, listening speaking and writing as well some culture specific knowledge through this course.


How Learners are Assessed:
Cambridge IGCSE examination sessions occur twice a year, in May/June and October/ November*. Results are issued in August and January respectively.

IGCSE teachers at HHS use a wide range of assessment techniques to complement formal written examinations.

Orals and practicals are all used in various contexts where appropriate. Internal mock examinations occur three times a year.


Candidates take either:


Paper 1 Reading and writing (Core)
1 hour 30 minutes
Eligible for grades C–G
70% of total marks

Paper 2 Reading and writing (Extended)
2 hours
Eligible for grades A*–E
70% of total marks

And either:


Paper 3 Listening (Core)
Approx. 30–40 minutes
Eligible for grades C–G
15% of total marks

Paper 4 Listening (Extended)
Approx. 45 minutes
Eligible for grades A*–E
15% of total marks

And either:


Component 5 Oral
Approx. 10–15 minutes
15% of total marks

Component 6 Oral coursework
15% of total marks


Homework is a vital part of the course and includes a variety of reading, writing and vocabulary tasks. It is intended to be an extension of work done in the classroom or a preparation for the next lesson and it provides an opportunity to develop independent study. It is set weekly.


Revision, Intervention and Enrichment
At present, learners can participate in the EAL Club, which is run after s school. Moreover, learners who are assessed to be underachieving are invited to attend after school booster sessions on Wednesdays in the Spring and Summer Terms.


English for Speakers of Other Languages

Skills for Life

Ms A. Holyszko (EAL Specialist, Course Leader)                    
Ms H. Ahtti (EAL Specialist)                           
Ms F. Rafii (EAL Specialist)                
Ms V. Ramphal (EAL Specialist)


Course Content


Our ESOL Skills for Life qualifications are based on the Adult ESOL Core Curriculum, which provides learners with the skills, knowledge and understanding of English needed by people who are living, working and studying in the UK.

Learners will develop the basic literacy and English language skills that they need to function more fully at work, in everyday life and in their local community. Learners can fulfill their potential to become better qualified and use English effectively wherever they need to.


The main benefits:

  1. Flexible progression system means students can learn at their own rate and are assessed when they are ready, gaining certification as units are completed.

  2. Internal assessment means greater control for tutors.

  3. Learners build a firm foundation for other qualifications, and the workplace.

  4. A great value qualification for our ESOL learners.

How Learners are Assessed
There are three units in the ESOL qualification:

Speaking and Listening, Writing, and Reading.

Learners can study and be assessed at different levels for different units, depending on their ability. No portfolio of evidence is required.

Our flexible assessment enables learners to achieve a level of attainment in English suitable for their needs and encourages them to progress to the next level in manageable steps

Certificates in ESOL Skills for Life support learners as they follow a structured course of study.

The main ESOL qualification is the full certificate in ESOL Skills for Life, which is available at five levels and contains three mandatory units at each level: Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing.

LEVEL 2 (the highest), LEVEL 1,
ENTRY 3, ENTRY 2, ENTRY1 (the lowest)


Homework is a vital part of the course and includes a variety of reading, writing and vocabulary tasks. It is intended to be an extension of work done in the classroom or a preparation for the next lesson and it provides an opportunity to develop independent study. It is set weekly.


Revision, Intervention and Enrichment
At present, learners can participate in the EAL Club, which is run after s school. Moreover, learners who are assessed to be underachieving are invited to attend after school booster sessions on Wednesdays, in Spring and Summer Terms.