Harrow High School Parent Portal


Parents/Carers of students at Harrow High School can access your child’s attendance, behaviour, achievement and progress records. You can also ensure that key information held by the school (e.g. contact details) is correct and see what lessons your child has every day in their online timetable.

You will be sent your login information via post. If you would like to request this information in person please contact us on 0208 861 7300 and ask for the ICT department.


After first signing in you may be asked to change your password for security reasons. Your new password cannot contain your name or your username, must be at least six characters long, and contain at least:

  • One number (i.e 3)
  • One upper case character (i.e. C)
  • One special character (i.e. ! or $)


Example login details:

Username: HOSTED\hhsMrJBloggs.310
Password: SamplePassword55%

Please Note: If you have been given a username without the HOSTED\ prefix, you will need to enter this before your username to log in. (As illustrated in the example above)

Click here to Log In to Parent Portal


If you are having trouble using the Parent Portal, click here for a brief guide.